The Symbolic Meaning of Yellow

Yellow is a color that has many symbols and meanings. This color is often associated with cheerfulness, happiness, warmth and joy. Apart from that, yellow is also often used as a symbol of wealth, wisdom and intelligence.

Color is an important element in the visual world and has a strong influence on human psychology. Each color has its own meaning and symbolism. One of the colors that is the center of attention is yellow. In this article, we will delve further into the meaning of the color yellow and how this color affects our lives.

Meaning of Yellow Color Symbols in Culture

A. Western culture
In Western culture, the color yellow is often associated with joy and happiness. This color is often used in decoration and conveying positive messages. Apart from that, the color yellow is also often associated with the sun and warm summer.

B. Eastern Culture
In Eastern cultures, the color yellow often symbolizes wealth, glory, and splendor. This color is often used in ceremonial clothing and religious paraphernalia. Apart from that, the color yellow is also often associated with upper class society and the process of introspection.

Use of Yellow in Everyday Life

A. Communication and Advertising
Yellow is often used in visual communication and advertising to attract attention and inspire confidence in consumers. This color is also often used in logos and brands to reflect joy and happiness.

B. Health and Psychology
Yellow also has an influence on our physical and psychological health. In the field of psychology, the color yellow is often associated with positive energy, joy and optimism. Apart from that, yellow can also increase creativity and enthusiasm.

C. Interior Design
In interior design, yellow is often used to create bright and pleasant spaces. This color can make a room look more spacious and give a warm impression. Apart from that, yellow is also often used in decoration to create a pleasant and calming atmosphere.


In conclusion, the color yellow has rich meaning and symbolism in various cultures. This color symbolizes joy, warmth, wisdom and wealth. In everyday life, yellow is used in communication, advertising, health and interior design to create a positive and pleasant atmosphere. So, don’t hesitate to add a touch of yellow to your life!